What Are the Most Common Types of Truck Accidents?

truck on highway

Because of the size and weight of 18-wheelers and large trucks, accidents involving these vehicles are often more severe and fatal than collisions with passenger cars. Understanding the most common types of truck accidents and their causes can help you prevent collisions and minimize the risks of accidents and injuries. Work with a Memphis auto accident lawyer to learn more about your legal rights and options following a truck accident.

What Are the Most Common Types of Truck Accidents?

While trucks can be involved in any accidents that passenger vehicles can, below are some of the most common types of 18-wheeler accidents.

  1. Rear-end collisions: Rear-end accidents occur when a truck crashes into the vehicle in front of it or vice versa, though a passenger car rear-ending a truck is not nearly as damaging.
  2. Jackknife accidents: A jackknife accident is when the trailer of the truck swings out and to the side, creating an angle like a folding knife.
  3. Rollover accident: These accidents occur when a truck tips over onto its side or roof. These accidents can result in catastrophic damage.
  4. Tire blowouts: A tire blowout can occur when one of the truck’s tires bursts suddenly, leading to a loss of control of the vehicle.
  5. Turning accidents: Trucks need more space to make wide turns, so a turning accident can occur at an intersection or in a narrow space when the vehicle accidentally strikes another car or pedestrian.
  6. T-bone: T-bone accidents happen when the truck strikes the side of another vehicle, generally perpendicular to one another. This often occurs in intersections when one vehicle runs a red light.

Any type of collision involving a commercial truck can be seriously damaging or even fatal. It is important to know how these accidents are caused so you can avoid being involved in one.

How Are These Accidents Caused?

These accidents are each caused by a variety of factors and reasons. It is important to understand the limitations that truck drivers have because of the vehicles that they operate.

Truck drivers, especially in large commercial vehicles, need significantly more stopping distance than a small car because of the vehicle’s size and weight. They must also stick to strict schedules, meaning that they can be driving for hours at a time, causing fatigue. In general, trucks are difficult to maneuver and have limited visibility due to their size.

Besides these limitations, the following and more can result in a truck accident.

  • Slippery roads
  • Sharp turns
  • Sudden braking
  • Blind spots
  • Distracted driving
  • Intoxicated driving

You should exercise caution every time you get behind the wheel, but it is especially important when you are driving near a large truck. Prevent accidents by giving trucks a wide berth, avoiding weaving in and out of traffic, and using your blinkers. Reach out to a skilled attorney to learn more about your legal rights and options after a truck accident.